anyway here is my entry for 3d creature planet 17 on cghub. I played a little too much Mass Effect, but I had to rebuild the mask. I think it is one of the sickest masks ever^^ All made with dynamesh. A friend recommend on doing predator heads, so I modeled the hair with zspheres, exported them out in 3dsmax for last details. Hope you all enjoy. Good luck to all who are participating, voting is up tomorrow
Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012
CGhub Creature Planet 17: Bio-Mechs - My Entry
Here is a current work of mine, started on thursday. would have love
doing more on it, deadline is sunday 12pm and yesterday was the final of
champions league in soccer... well my team lost ^^
anyway here is my entry for 3d creature planet 17 on cghub. I played a little too much Mass Effect, but I had to rebuild the mask. I think it is one of the sickest masks ever^^ All made with dynamesh. A friend recommend on doing predator heads, so I modeled the hair with zspheres, exported them out in 3dsmax for last details. Hope you all enjoy. Good luck to all who are participating, voting is up tomorrow
anyway here is my entry for 3d creature planet 17 on cghub. I played a little too much Mass Effect, but I had to rebuild the mask. I think it is one of the sickest masks ever^^ All made with dynamesh. A friend recommend on doing predator heads, so I modeled the hair with zspheres, exported them out in 3dsmax for last details. Hope you all enjoy. Good luck to all who are participating, voting is up tomorrow
ShowReel May 2012 - TRex
ShowReel TRex May 2012 - My Fourth Time doing a Dinosaur, we had a great lesson in college on a raptor. Hope you all enjoy :)
Montag, 14. Mai 2012
ShowReel May 2012 - War Elephant
This is a War Elephant made with ZBrush, Retopo in 3dsMax and ClayRender still in ZBrush.
Will definantly texture him in the near future. Hope you all enjoy. C&C are more than welcome.
Will definantly texture him in the near future. Hope you all enjoy. C&C are more than welcome.
Samstag, 12. Mai 2012
CharacterFORGE 3D :: ROUND 016 :: A Future Priest - First Place
CharacterFORGE 3D :: ROUND 016 :: A Future Priest - First Place
Here is my Entry for the 3D CharacterForge Challenge - Round 16 on CGHUB( I am really proud and honored and more than overwelmed. There were great entries in it but I won this one
Hope you all enjoy:)
Here is a screenshot of Todays May 14th,2012 TopRow on CGHUB. I got a spot because of Winning the 3D CharacterForge Challenge - Round 16. Had to post a screenshot of it :-)
Here is my Entry for the 3D CharacterForge Challenge - Round 16 on CGHUB( I am really proud and honored and more than overwelmed. There were great entries in it but I won this one
Here is a screenshot of Todays May 14th,2012 TopRow on CGHUB. I got a spot because of Winning the 3D CharacterForge Challenge - Round 16. Had to post a screenshot of it :-)
Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012
First Level - de_dust in UDK - Topology by KC-Production
This is a Fan Art of the Counter Strike Map "de_dust" in UDK showing the
topolgy of the map. Only used the Builder Brush, this is my first level
and working with UDK. It was during our lessons in college and this was
our task, will post the textured version aswell. Comments &
critiques are more than welcome
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